5 Tips for Effective Web Redesign

Technology Services

Your website is up and running and doing pretty well. But chances are you’ll need to redesign your website in the next couple of months. “Why?” you ask. Internet marketing and the online world are dynamic. The online landscape changes, about, every 18 to 24 months. For example, mobile traffic represented only 10 percent of internet traffic 24 months ago. This percentage went up to 25 percent affecting search engine rankings for mobile optimized websites. In order for websites to be successful in the current online market, they have to be optimized for mobile.

website redesign
website redesign

Website redesign is not a choice; it’s a necessity if you want to survive.

1. Redesign with purpose

Before you invest in the redesign of your website, it’s important to determine why you want to change and what you want to achieve from the changes you make. Many people get into the process with the idea that they just want a modern look. However, there is more to redesigning a website than just looks.

Have a clear purpose for revamping. This will mean researching your target audience. What are your visitors looking for? Do they want information, entertainment or business? Website redesign should be done to improve conversion rates and other key web metrics. Having clear goals will ensure that the redesign results in an even more effective website.

2. Let your customers drive the design

First online impressions are important. Visitors will judge the website on their first impression (the look) before they evaluate the content. If they find the design confusing, they are likely to leave before even taking a look at your content. Tools such as heat maps will help you understand how users interact with your current web design. You will then be able to make changes that can increase conversions.

3. Responsive design

Mobile is, without a doubt, becoming one of the most important factors in website popularity. Websites that are not optimized for mobile screens lose out on large volumes of traffic daily. A study carried out by Google showed that 79 percent of online users don’t like websites that they can’t comfortably access or navigate via mobile.

Using a responsive design will ensure that your website can be accessed on devices of varying screen size. This will also go a long way in improving your ranking with Google who are giving priority to responsive design websites. You can found more sample about responsive from: http://novage.com.sg/responsive.php

4. Functionality

Visitors coming to your website come with purpose. It is therefore important to ensure that they can achieve their purpose without encountering any problems. For that reason, it is important to focus on functionality of the design.

Pay close attention to issues such as loading time and navigation. Make it easy for visitors to access the website and get to different parts of the site. A good rule to follow in improving navigation is the ‘three click rule’. This means that the visitor ought to be able to find the information they want within three clicks.

5. Images

Invest in images. The right image can speak a thousand words. Using the right images will help you connect with your target audience and position your brand by creating brand memory. Invest in obtaining high quality images or purchase stock photos. The use of videos, infographics and other graphics on your website can also help make communication more effective than having a well written piece.

Visual design is probably the first thing that crosses your mind when you think of redesigning your website. Although the visual impact of your website plays an important role in drawing visitors, the aspects mentioned above, combined with visual improvements, will help make your website highly effective.